Croatian Society for Quality Improvement in Healthcare (Society) was founded at Croatian Medical Association on May 27, 2003 to promote quality improvement in Healthcare and Patient Safety. It is a voluntary, non profit society, led by Executive Board.

The Society activities include efforts for continuing professional and scientific education in the field of improvement of healthcare quality and patient safety; proposing to respective authorities appropriate measures for quality improvement; developing collaboration with other Croatian societies, chambers as well as with nongovernmental organizations involved in healthcare; and collaboration with respective organizations abroad. 

The Society is member of the European Society for Quality in Healthcare (ESQH) since 2004.
In the frame of the RB-BCA Quality of Health Systems program, the Society was co-organizer of several workshops: Equity in Healthcare Reforms, Dubrovnik 2003, Quality Improvement in Critical Care Units, Zagreb 2003, and Quality Improvement in Clinical Use of Blood, Opatija 2003. In 2005, along with ESQH the Society was co-organizer of the European Conference New Quality and Healthcare Development in Daily Use, held in Zagreb. In 2008, February 15 in collaboration with the ESQH Office for Quality Indicators, the Society organized a one-day Symposium on Quality Indicators, held in Zagreb. 

In 2011, the Society organized its 1st congress Quality in Healthcare with international participation. In 2015, the Society organized its 2nd congress Quality in Healthcare with international participation.
In addition, the Society has run a number of workshops, symposiums and healthcare professional meetings. 

Of the Society publications, the following should be noted: the booklets Patient Safety - Establishing a Set of European Patient Safety indicators and A vocabulary for European Application translated to Croatian (ISBN 978-953-6451-44-1), from SimPatiE project; Vienna Statement on Hospital Performance Assessment; The Performance Assessment Tool for quality improvement in Hospitals (translated in Croatian, ISBN 978-953-6451-54-9).

One of the important Society activities was implementation of the WHO Performance Assessment Tool for Hospitals (PATH) in Croatian hospitals. PATH was initiated in 2009, by the initiative of the Society and support from the Ministry of Health and WHO country office. In the frame of PATH activities the quality indicator Decubitus was developed and collection of data was performed in 15 hospitals on voluntary bases. In addition, the Use of blood indicator was also developed.
PATH appears to be an excellent opportunity as a tool for the performance measurement development and, even more important, to build the culture of measurement and developing quality culture. 
In the frame of PATH activities, the overall assessment of perceptions of safety among hospital staff in Croatian hospitals was conducted in 15 hospitals using Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, AHRQ, USA, one of the recommended instruments by the European Network for Patient Safety (EUNetPaSQ) project.

The Society is involved in Out-of-hours services (SAFE-EUR-OOH) Patient safety Culture in Europe project led by Norvey team - Professor Gunnar Tschudi Bondevik, MD, PhD, (Project leader), National Centre for Emergency Primary Health Care, Uni Research Health, Bergen, Norway. Data collection period in Croatia: starting June 2015.